Reposoir permanent de la barque divine, il occupe le même emplacement que la chapelle-reposoir de Thoutmosis III, insérée dans le complexe du « Palais de Maât » construit sous le règne d’Hatchepsout. Longtemps considérée comme une copie fidèle de l’édifice de Thoutmosis III, la chapelle-reposoir de Philippe Arrhidée, bien qu’étant largement inspirée par la construction thoutmoside, présente des spécificités notables.
Begun in 2014, the online publication of the scenes and inscriptions of the Chapel of Philip Arrhidaeus is now complete. All hieroglyphic inscriptions of this monument with transliteration and bibliography, old photographic documentation as well as a new complete high definition photographic survey are available in the Karnak project.
As a permanent repository for the divine bark, it is located in the same place as the chapel of Thutmosis III, which was inserted into the complex of the “Palace of Maât” built during the reign of Hatshepsut. Long considered as a faithful copy of the Thutmosis III building, Philip Arrhidaeus’s chapel, although largely inspired by the Thutmoside construction, has some remarkable features.